Cécile B. Evans, Amos‘ World. Episode One, 2017, Film Still
Press release and preview: Thursday, May 23rd, 11 am
Amos’ World is a fictional television series about a progressive housing estate, its architect, and the tenants as they become increasingly alienated from the building’s promises. The architect’s ambitions for the perfectly networked individual-communal housing structure is disrupted as the tenants begin to negotiate their own agency within their real and rendered contours. An allegory for our existence within constructed realities unfolds as the characters’ emotions begin to rebel against the technological, ideological, and physical structures that aim to contain them.
Cécile B. Evans (born 1983) has realized a three-part film installation, filmed across many locations and mediums, that blurs the line between reality and its simulations. Visitors to the exhibition watch the series from structures that recall the architecture that frames the plot line; museum spaces are punctuated with set pieces from the series that have been reconfigured as active sculptures. This new multidisciplinary project by Evans, an American-Belgian artist living in London, is a cooperation with MUMOK in Vienna, Tramway in Glasgow, Galerie Emanuel Layr in Rome and Vienna, and FRAC Lorraine in Metz, with support from Art Night London, Museo Madre in Naples, Renaissance Society in Chicago, Glasgow International, Villa Merkel in Esslingen, and Château Shatto in Los Angeles. Museum Abteiberg is showing all three episodes, along with set pieces from the films’ production, reconstructed as sculptures.
Cécile B. Evans’ long term project Amos’ World will culminate in a documentary book that will be published in Autumn 2019. The exhibition at Museum Abteiberg is accompanied by a side program with films and talks. Details and dates will follow.
Realized with support from the Arts Foundation of North Rhine Westphalia and the Hans Fries Foundation.
Further information and images are available on request. Contact: Uwe Riedel, Press and Public Relations Department, riedel@museum-abteiberg.de, Phone +49 2161 252636.
Cécile B. Evans (born 1983) is an American-Belgian artist living and working in London. Her work examines the value of emotion in contemporary society and the increasing impact of technology on humanity and the systems it has developed. Recent selected solo exhibitions include Château Shatto (US), Museo Madre (IT), Tramway (UK), mumok Vienna (AT), Castello di Rivoli (IT), Galerie Emanuel Layr, Vienna (AT), Tate Liverpool (UK), Kunsthalle Aarhus (DK), M Museum Leuven (BE), Bielefelder Kunstverein (D), and De Hallen Haarlem (NL). Her work has been included amongst others at Haus der Kunst (DE), Mito Art Tower (JP), Renaissance Society Chicago (US), the 7th International Moscow Biennale (RU), the 4th Ural Industrial Biennial (RU), Galerie Kamel Mennour (FR), and Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Copenhagen (DK), the 9th Berlin Biennale (DE), the 20th Sydney Biennale (AUS), Fundació Joan Miró, Barcelona (ES), and Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris (FR). Public collections include The Museum of Modern Art, New York (US), The Rubell Family Collection, Miami (US), Whitney Museum of American Art (US), De Haallen (NL), Castello di Rivoli, Turin (IT), Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Copenhagen (DK), and FRAC Auvergne (FR).
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AMOS’ WORLD: Episode Two, 2018
Videoinstallation / video installation, 24:58
Blick aus der Installation / view from inside the structure
Zementputz, Holz, Stahl, Kissen, Kopfhörer / concrete, wood, steel, cushions, headphones
Courtesy of the artist and Emanuel Layr Galerie, Vienna and Rome
Raum / structure: Sammlung / Collection mumok – Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Wien
Photo: Achim Kukulies, Düsseldorf
AMOS’ WORLD: Episode Two, 2018
Videoinstallation / video installation, 24:33
Eingang / entrance
Zementputz, Holz, Stahl, Kissen, Kopfhörer / concrete, wood, steel, cushions, headphones
Courtesy of the artist and Emanuel Layr Galerie, Vienna and Rome
Raum / structure: Sammlung / Collection mumok – Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Wien
Photo: Achim Kukulies, Düsseldorf
AMOS’ WORLD: Episode Two, 2018
Videoinstallation / video installation, 24:33
Zementputz, Holz, Stahl, Kissen, Kopfhörer / concrete, wood, steel, cushions, headphones
Courtesy of the artist and Emanuel Layr Galerie, Vienna and Rome
Raum / structure: Sammlung / Collection mumok – Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Wien
Photo: Achim Kukulies, Düsseldorf
I haven’t had the imagination to think that something wouldn’t be me (Amos’ Desk), 2018
1:1-Modell (Holz, Metall), Acrylsockel, Holzhände geschnitzt, Masken in 3D-Druck, handbemalt, C-Print, Elektrokabel, Filmnegative / scale model, (wood, metal), acrylic plinth, carved wooden hands, 3D printed hand painted mask, c-type print, electrical tape, cine-film negatives
Courtesy of the artist and Emanuel Layr Galerie, Vienna and Rome
If only I could put it back together again (Amos’ office), 2018
1:1-Modell (Holz, Papier, Objekte in 3D-Druck), 3,5” LCD-Bildschirme, Rasperry Pi /
Scale model (wood, paper, 3D printed objects), 3.5” LCD screens, Raspberry Pis
Courtesy of the artist and Emanuel Layr Galerie, Vienna and Rome
Photo: Achim Kukulies, Düsseldorf
AMOS’ WORLD: Episode Three, 2018
Video Installation, 24:20
Filmset aus Holz und blauer Farbe / stage set made of wood and blue paint
Courtesy of the artist and Emanuel Layr Galerie, Vienna and Rome
Erratics I-VIII, 2018, Beton, Epoxidharz, Tattootinte, Polymerwachs / concrete, epoxy resin, tattoo ink, wax polymer
Courtesy of the artist and Emanuel Layr Galerie, Vienna and RomePhoto: Achim Kukulies, Düsseldorf
„Amos‘ World“
Installationsansicht / installation view
hinten / back
Even a lie is a real thing (Forest), 2018
1:1-Modell (Holz, Schaum, Objekte aus 3D Print, Nylon), 3,5’’ LCD-Bildschirme, bemalte Leinwand, Text, Raspberry Pis / scale model (wood, foam, 3D printed objects, nylon), 3.5’’ LCD screens, painted canvas, text, Raspberry Pis
Courtesy of the artist and Emanuel Layr Galerie, Vienna and Rome
vorne / front:
Erratics VII-IX, 2018
Beton, Epoxidharz, Tattootinte, Polymerwachs / concrete, epoxy resin, tattoo ink, wax polymer
Even a lie is a real thing (Forest), 2018, 1:1-Modell (Holz, Schaum, Objekte aus 3D Print, Nylon), 3,5’’ LCD-Bildschirme, bemalte Leinwand, Text, Raspberry Pis / scale model (wood, foam, 3D printed objects, nylon), 3.5’’ LCD screens, painted canvas, text, Raspberry Pis.
Courtesy of the artist and Emanuel Layr Galerie, Vienna and Rome
Photo: Achim Kukulies, Düsseldorf