Onions, Ghislaine Leung 2021; Courtesy die Künstlerin und MAXWELL GRAHAM / ESSEX STREET New York; Fotos: Achim Kukulies, Düsseldorf

Susanne Titz talks to Ghislaine Leung about her new box-catalog and her exhibition PORTRAITS. Ghislaine Leung’s box-catalog contains surprising things, essays by Bruce Hainley (art historian, Rice University Texas) and Eleanor Ivory Weber (writer and artist, Brussels) as well as a draft for the speech by the Minister of Culture at the opening of the exhibition, written by Susanne Titz ( Director, Museum Abteiberg) and Felicia Rappe (Collection Director and Deputy Director, Museum Abteiberg). The publication is available in the museum shop at a price of EUR 44 and has an edition of 220 copies.